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Sue Russell's Shop

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I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!




I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!
World Cup 2018 Quiz

World Cup 2018 Quiz

World Cup 2018 Quiz 100 questions (and answers!) on this year's World Cup and those that have gone before. Enjoy! Also available: World Cup Assembly, World Cup Leavers Assembly, World Cup Guided Readers plus resources on participating countries. Sample Text: I Quirky Facts 1. Who used to practice with a slipper on his right foot and why? 2. Where was the original world cup trophy kept during the Second World War? II 2018 World Cup 1. How often is the World Cup held? 2. Where is the 2018 World Cup being held? III History 1. When was the first World Cup held? 2. Where was it held? IV Records 1. What country has made the most appearances – the only country to have appeared in every World Cup? 2. How many appearances has this country made? V Quotations 1. Who said “Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I’m very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.” – said to be the greatest football saying in 2006?
Battle of Hastings Assembly or Class Play

Battle of Hastings Assembly or Class Play

Battle of Hastings Assembly or Class Play This script was written by Sue Russell in celebration of The Battle of Hastings' 950th anniversary. What have the most famous cartoon strip in history, a masterpiece of needlework, a distinctly odd bishop, some dodgy family connections, warring Anglo Saxons and Normans, and an arrow in the eye have in common? Correct! They're all part of that famous drama - you know the one, 1066 and all that?! Cast of 30 - easily adapted up or down Duration around 10 - 15 minutes (not including music) Sample Text: Embroiderer 2: Hours and hours of needle in, needle out! Embroiderer 3: (Sarcastically) Wow! Life can’t, surely, get much more exciting than this! Bishop of Bayeux: O dear, dear, dear, dear! I can see something drastic needs to happen round here! How are we going to get you excited about your work? (Enter Edward) Edward: Easy! Let’s just introduce them to some of the characters they are working on! Let them see what we were actually like in the flesh! Bishop of Bayeux: Ah! A splendid idea! And you are? Edward: King Edward the III of England or Edward the Confessor! I’m (Edward walks along work of six Embroiderers, peering down, trying to see himself; he stops abruptly at Embroiderer 4) Edward: Ah yes! Here I am! Dying! Bishop of Bayeux: (Sarcastically) Oh wonderful! Well, that really livens things up for us! Thank you so much! Edward: Oh dear! I didn’t mean to put a dampener on things! (Edward goes back to the line of Embroiderers and this time stops at Embroiderer 1) Edward: Ah now, that’s better! That’s when I’m still king! Alive and kicking! (Edward falls about laughing at his own joke) (Whole cast groans) Bishop of Bayeux: (Aside) Oh dear! I think I preferred him dead!
Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz

Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz

Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz 100 questions and answers on the 2016 Olympic Games! Sample Text: 1. How many sports will there be at the 2016 Olympic Games? (28) Ball Games 2. Name four ‘ball games’. (Tennis, table tennis, football and rugby) 3. Name two names for table tennis. (Whiff Waff or Flim Flam) 4. How many players, per team, are there for volley ball? (6) 5. How many for beach volley ball? (2) 6. How many new ball games have been introduced for 2016?(2) 7. What are they?(Rugby and golf) 8. What does the term ‘dunkin’ mean in basketball? (To slam a ball through the net) 9. From which bird do the feathers attached to a shuttlecock come? (Goose) Archery, Shooting and Fencing 10. When was it compulsory for all English men aged between seven and sixty to be able to use a bow and arrow? (Fourteenth century) 11. Why was this considered necessary? (In order to defend their country) 12. What three types of gun are used for shooting? (Pistol, rifle and shotgun) Other scripts available from Sue Russell: ASSEMBLIES Brazil Host Country to 2016 Rio Olympics Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports History of the Olympics Assembly Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading OLYMPIC ODE
Eurovision Song Contest 2018 Assembly or Class Play

Eurovision Song Contest 2018 Assembly or Class Play

Eurovision Song Contest Assembly or Class Play updated to 2018 Maybe this year – a few more points for Grande Bretagne?! It's that time of year again! Get ready for the funniest show on earth! (Does anyone really take it seriously?!) This assembly gives a quick chronological run through past winners ... and losers! How can, for example, the UK get it so right ... and yet so desperately wrong! A light hearted coverage of all UK winning songs (and runners up) plus such greats as Abba. The song list is memorable - for all the right reasons! Cast size 30 - easily adaptable up or down. Duration: 15 - 30 minutes (depending on number of songs chosen) Sample Text Music 8 Waterloo – Abba (Whole cast plus ‘Abba representative sings song) Narrator: Wow! What a hit that was! It certainly launched Abba into a glittering rock career! Rock Star (‘Cliff’) (Grumbling) And as if it wasn’t bad enough - our beautiful Olivia Newton John being pipped to the post. Then it happens again the following year – this time to my mates The Shadows! Music 9 Let Me Be the One – The Shadows (Whole cast singing brief excerpt from song) (Judge charging back onto stage) Narrator: (Testily) You again! Judge: But they didn’t win! I thought this line up was meant to be just for winners! Narrator: (Outraged) What? And miss some of the best music? Never! (Turning to cast) Are we agreed? Whole Cast: (Blowing kisses at Narrator) Oh yes! Peace and happiness! We love you! Music 10 Save Your Kisses for Me – Brotherhood of Man (Whole cast plus Narrator sing this song) Narrator: (Sighing) Ah! 1976! Another great win for the United Kingdom!
Mutual Respect Assembly or Class Play Key Stage II

Mutual Respect Assembly or Class Play Key Stage II

Mutual Respect Assembly - Key Stage II Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration: 10 - 15 minutes reading time (not including songs/music suggestions) Another class play on 'Respect' is available for Key Stage I children. Sample Text: (Whole team do ‘high-fives’) Narrator: Good to see team spirit! Child 1: Oh we have plenty of that! We put in so many hours together Child 2: We sure earn each other’s respect! (Exit ‘Olympians’) Narrator: And that is so important! Just imagine if (Enter ‘Footballers 1 - 4’: Child 3, 4, 5 & 6) Music 5 Football Anthem – or theme music to Match of the Day (Footballers kick ball around, in bored, listless manner before dropping to the ground, for a break) (Enter Coach – Child 7, blowing whistle; all four footballers jump to their feet) Coach: Hey! Slacking off already? I don’t think so! Child 3: Oops! Sorry coach! Coach: You will be! Child 4: We were just Child 7: (Interrupting angrily) Yes, I could see! I repeat, slacking off! Not on my watch, you don’t! Now, that will be ten extra laps of the pitch for you! Off you go! (Exit Footballers, grumbling) Narrator: Oh dear! That seemed a bit harsh! Child 7: Oh? And you think if I’d strolled on and said, ‘Oh that’s fine. Don’t mind me! Just keep doing what you’re doing’ – that they’d have one jot of respect for me? Narrator: Well, er .. Child 7: Of course they wouldn’t. It’s not my job to pamper them. It is to make them better players. To give them pride in themselves! Nothing like a bit of discipline to achieve that! Narrator: Oh I couldn’t agree more! I’m all for discipline. Child 7: And respect! Narrator: Oh yes, that as well! Child 7: Nothing like a bit of healthy respect for your team, the opposition and yourself! Narrator: Wow! That’s a lotta respect! Child 7: You can never have too much respect, believe me!
Awe and Wonder Assembly

Awe and Wonder Assembly

Awe and Wonder Assembly This KS II class play is on awe and wonder – and there’s plenty of that about in the awesome world of nature! Scoring a ‘WOW!’ proves a bit of a challenge for this particular set of children – it seems to take a lot to impress the ‘awe-full-not’ teacher who is taking the assembly! Cast of 30 (easily adaptable up or down) Duration - around 15 minutes not including music suggestions This script is the first in a series of Awe and Wonder Assemblies – the second one being on Man Made Wonders – loosely based on the Seven Wonders of the World but probably with a lot more thrown in! There will be ‘parallel’ simpler scripts for Key Stage I children on this theme. Sample Text Narrator: So. Let us make sure this assembly is (pauses) awesome! What have you got for me? Child 12: Well, we thought we’d start with all the most awesome places in the world. Child 13: Aside from our school, of course! Narrator: (Smiling) Of course! Child 14: So, what about (Each child in turn holds up a picture of the place they are describing) Child 14: This great lump of rock! Narrator: Great lump of rock? What’s so awesome about that? Child 14: (Indignantly, to Child 10) What were you saying about adults? This lump of rock just happens to be Uluru – otherwise known as Ayer’s Rock, in Australia. Narrator: Well, it does have a pretty amazing colour. Child 14: Red sandstone! Formed six hundred million years ago! Narrator: Wow! (Whole cast cheers) Child 10: Wow! We got a wow! Narrator: Well, I’m not that hard to impress! Child 14: Difficult not to be impressed by the world’s biggest monolith – that’s a single rock, by the way! Narrator: Yes, yes. I knew that! Child 14: And that it’s some nine kilometres in circumference? Narrator: Hmm. Of course! I am a teacher, you know! Child 15: Well. What about this. The Grand Canyon! Narrator: More rocks? Child 15: (Indignantly) Yes but these rocks form one of the deepest gorges on Earth!
Love Assembly

Love Assembly

Love Is .... Assembly This class play on Love looks at what love means to each of us. Although it was written for Key Stage I (5 – 7 year olds) it can easily be adapted for use at Key Stage II (7 – 11 year olds) - the playlist of 10 suggested songs will be enjoyed by all ages. For scripts specific to Valentine’s Day, check out Sue Russell’s alternative Romeo and Juliet scripts. Cast of 25 - easily adapted up or down. Duration - around 15 - 20 mins (potential of doubling this with all music choices) Sample Text: (Enter Child 10, carrying a puppy) Music 7 Puppy Love – Donny Osmond Narrator: Ahh! (Gestures for everyone else to go ‘Ahhh!’) Who can resist a puppy? (Exit Child 10 plus puppy) (Enter Child 11, skipping) Narrator: Wow! Great skipping! You obviously love it! Child 11: And it’s good for me! (Exit Child 11, smiling happily) Narrator: Yes, any form of exercise is good for you! (Enter Child 12) Music 8 Can’t Stop the Feeling – Justin Timberlake (Whole cast singing and dancing) Narrator: And why do you love dancing so much? Child 12: How can you not love dancing? (Exit Child 12 smiling) Narrator: (Trying a few moves) Well, it is good exercise! (Enter Child 13, eating large bar of chocolate) Music 9 Sugar Sugar - The Archies Narrator: Hmm. I’m not sure this is quite so good for you! Child 13: Oh, but I just love chocolate! Who doesn’t? (Exit Child 13) Narrator: (Rubbing tummy) Mmmm. Beginning to feel a bit hungry! (Enter Child 14, reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’)
Pancake Day Assembly

Pancake Day Assembly

Pancake Day Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30. Duration 15 - 20 minutes. Maybe a case of too many cooks in the kitchen? And whoever said flipping a pancake was easy? Definitely time somebody in the kitchen gave up something for Lent - could the belly size of that Master Chef, Monsieur Bon Appetit, be a clue? This is a light-hearted assembly based on Shrove Tuesday - otherwise known as Pancake Day or Mardi Gras - Fat Tuesday! Sample Text: Narrator: Hmm! But the whole point of Shrove Tuesday Chef 13: Is that it’s the last day before Lent! Chef 14: Which is all about giving up things. Narrator: And how long does Lent last? Chef 15: Well, traditionally it’s forty days Chef 16: Between Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday Chef 17: Or around six weeks leading up to Easter. Narrator: OK. So going back to Shrove Tuesday, why the pancakes? Chef 18: Well, I guess they’re a way of using up things like eggs, milk and sugar before this time of fasting? Narrator: (Clapping) Ah! You guess right! Congratulations! So, what are we waiting for? (Enter Master Chef) Master Chef: Or shouldn’t that be, who are we waiting for? Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten Moi? Narrator: Ah! You must be Master Chef: Monsieur Bon Appetit! Narrator: A fine name Master Chef: For a fine chef! The best! Moi? Je suis magnifique! Narrator: (Aside) And so very humble! (To Master Chef) Monsieur, we are delighted you could join us today! Master Chef: Mon plaisir! (Looking around) So, where is mon cuisine? (Everyone looks around in confusion) Narrator: Er, I think it might be helpful if you could try and stick to English. Master Chef: (Huffily) As you wish! So, where is my pan? Where are my ingredients? Where Narrator: (Interrupting) Oh don’t worry! We’ve got all that sorted! Look! You have an army of chefs to help you! Master Chef: (Muttering to audience) Hmph! Ever heard the expression ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth’? Narrator: Sorry, we didn’t quite catch that! Master Chef: Oh don’t worry! Just saying what a delightful set of helpers I have here today! So, let us start. (Enter Chefs 19 - 28 with ‘kitchen props’; chefs proceed to prepare pancakes under watchful eye of Master Chef, who stands over and checks their every move, occasionally stepping in to show them how it is done ‘properly’)
Lent Assembly or Class Play

Lent Assembly or Class Play

Lent Assembly or Class Play So, what are you giving up this Lent? As usual, our poor narrator has dubious task of coaxing sensible - make that, any - sort of response out of his reluctant cast! And as for even thinking about giving up chocolate - well, let's just say, the devil knows better! Although there is the usual high quotient of humour in this play, the subject matter is serious - and there is a clear explanation covering what Lent is all about. Duration: approximately 10 minutes reading time - longer with inclusion of mixture of beautiful and comical music. Written for cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down. Sample Text Child 5: Lent covers a period of forty weekdays – that’s approximately six weeks but not including Sundays. Child 6: During this time Christians traditionally devoted themselves to fasting, abstinence and penitence. Child 7: In other words, leading a less extravagant lifestyle and reflecting on how they could improve themselves. Child 8: You mean, recognising their faults and doing something about it? Child 7: That’s right. Child 9: Hmm. Fair enough. But going without food for forty days? I’m not sure about that one! Child 6: Nah! You remember I used the word ‘traditionally’? Well, Christians have become a lot more relaxed about fasting these days. Most people today just give up something like, well, chocolate for example! Child 10: (Exclaiming indignantly) Chocolate? Going without chocolate for forty days? Are you serious? Narrator: Oh come on! Surely you could survive without chocolate for forty days? Child 10: (Emphatically) I don’t think so! Narrator: Forty hours? Child 10: No! Narrator: Forty minutes! Child 10: (Hesitantly) Hmm, maybe Narrator: (Impatiently) Forty seconds? Child 10: (Triumphantly) Done! Narrator: So let’s talk about what this Lent is all about. (To Child 10) And then we might have some ideas about what to do with you! Why, for example, does Lent last for forty days? Child 11: This was the period of time Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and praying, before beginning his public ministry. Child 12: The wilderness? Sounds like a pretty scary place to be! Child 13: It was! Let’s see just how scary it was and how Jesus dealt with it!
Jonah and the Whale Assembly or Class Play

Jonah and the Whale Assembly or Class Play

Jonah and the Whale Assembly Class play for 7 – 11 year olds - Key Stage II This is one of the Biblical Banter series. The writer, Sue Russell, has to date written three other scripts in this series, including The Creation, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and Noah’s Ark. Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down. Duration: Speaking time around 15 minutes. This does not include a great playlist of 10 songs which could potentially double time of performance to 30 mins at least! Sample Text: (Sound of thunder and lightning) Captain: Whoah! What was that? Sailor 2: Sounded like thunder and lightning to me! Sailor 3: Oh oh! That’s not good! Jonah: (Nervously) What do you mean? Sailor 4: He means, there’s a storm approaching! Jonah: Oh, that’s all right! I’ve brought an umbrella! (All sailors laugh) Sailor 5: Er, you’re going to need a little more than an umbrella if this storm takes a hold! (Boat starts rocking furiously, as sound of raging wind gathers momentum) Sailor 6: Whoa! Hold on everyone! Sailor 7: We’re in for a rough one! Jonah: (Holding his stomach) Oh dear, I’m beginning to feel a bit queasy! Sailor 8: You’ll be feeling more than that if you don’t get a move on and help! (Everyone rushes around trying to tie things down; storm continues to get worse and worse) Sailor 1: My! This is some storm! Sailor 2: We’ve never had one like this before! Sailor 3: Something tells me someone on board has brought with them more than a little bad luck! (All sailors round on Jonah) Jonah: Who? Me? Captain: Tell me again why you wanted to join my crew on this trip? Jonah: (Spluttering) I, er, well, it’s like this Captain: Come on man, spit it out! What’s your real story? Jonah: (Sighing) OK. I suppose you deserve the truth. You see, I was running! Sailor 4: Running? Sailor 5: Away from what? Jonah: Away from my God. (All Sailors groan and clutch their heads) Captain: Well, that explains it! Had I known, I’d never have allowed you on board my ship!
Paralympics Rio 2016 Assembly

Paralympics Rio 2016 Assembly

Paralympics Rio 2016 Assembly Cast size: 30 – easily adapted up or down. Duration: Around 10 minutes reading time; around 20 minutes with music suggestions included. This assembly covers all 22 sports that the athletes will be participating in, at Rio2016. In addition to this comprehensive coverage, there are references to how some of the special needs of the participants have been accommodated – as in the case, for example, of special equipment and facilities. Sample Text: (Enter Child 14 – holding Archery, Shooting and Fencing banner - and Child 15) Narrator: Oh my! What do we have here? Bows and arrows? I didn’t realise we were taking part in a Robin Hood production! Child 15: We’re not! Archery is a very serious sport, I’ll have you know! Watch and learn! You start by drawing Narrator: Oh, an art lesson, goodie! Child 15: No, silly! Drawing is when you pull back on the bow string, like this (demonstrates) and then release your arrow in the direction of your boss. Narrator: Now wait a minute! Just because you’ve fallen out with your boss Child 15: No and no! No, I haven’t fallen out with my boss – the boss is the black square block to which the target is attached! Narrator: (Wiping his brow) Thank goodness for that! Other scripts available from Sue Russell: ASSEMBLIES 1. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 2. Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly 3. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 4. History of the Olympics Assembly 5. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode 6. Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE
Islam Assembly

Islam Assembly

Islam Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 - easily adapted up or down Duration - around 10 minutes reading time, not including music at beginning and end This assembly on the Islamic faith tells the story of Muhammed and gives a brief outline of Islamic beliefs. It is delivered by a Narrator plus speakers numbered 1 - 29. This script would be a useful supplement to the Baghdad: Early Islamic Civilisation script - as a description of Islam as a religion - with accompanying message of peace and respect for all learning. Sample Text: Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on Islam. Let’s start with what Islam means. Child 1: Islam is the Arabic word for submission. Narrator: I’m guessing, submission to a god? Child 2: One god – Allah! Narrator: And the origins of this religion? Child 3: The religion started AD 610 when Muhammed heard the word of God through the Arch Angel Gabriel. Narrator: And where was this? (Child 3 holds up map of the world) Child 4: (Pointing to Saudi Arabia) Here, in Saudi Arabia, in the city of Mecca. Narrator: And this Muhammed – tell us a bit about him. Child 5: He was born AD 570, at Mecca. Child 6: His family were very poor and he was orphaned at an early age. Child 7: However, he became rich as a caravan leader Narrator: (Looking puzzled) Why would you need to lead a caravan? Don’t you just pull them behind your car? Child 8: No, not that kind of caravan. These were camels, led across the trade routes, carrying goods to be sold at market. Narrator: Aha! Camel caravans! Now I get you! Back to Muhammed! Also available from Sue Russell: An assembly on the Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation & Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation Guided Reading Scripts: 5 scripts, 6 speakers each, plus quiz for each script. Approximately 5 minutes reading time for each (not including the quiz) 1. When? 2. Where? 3. The Story of Muhammed 4. Beliefs of Islam 5. World Religions
Bonfire Night Assembly or Class Play

Bonfire Night Assembly or Class Play

Bonfire Night School Assembly or Class Play This short assembly, The Hidden Gunpowder, celebrating Bonfire or Guy Fawkes Night, teams Guy Fawkes up with the local fireworks - helping each other out .... with their annual ordeal! Duration: 5-10 mins (up to 15 minutes with optional inclusion of Safety Guidelines, as dictated by 'Fireworks') Cast of 30 Narrator Fireworks 1-9 Sparklers (5) Bangers (5) Catherine Wheels (5) Rockets (5) Music 1 - Royal Fireworks Music - Handel (Music 1 as background music while children file in) Narrator: Good morning! And welcome to our Bonfire Night Assembly! (Everyone slouching, with miserable expressions) Firework 1: So. Here we are again. Firework 2: Same thing every year. (All Fireworks demonstrate a firework exploding into the air, creating a magnificent display, then dying) All Fireworks: (Together) Voompf! Pow! Zap! Fizzle ..... Firework 3: And then it's all over ..... for another year. Narrator: Hey! What's going on here? Or rather, what's not going on here? I've never seen such a sorry looking bunch of fireworks! Firework 4: Huh! You want to try being a 30 second wonder! Firework 5: It's just not fair! All we're asking for is a decent amount of party time! Firework 4: I mean, who can enjoy themselves in 30 seconds? Firework 5: That's no party! (Enter Guy Fawkes) Narrator: Ah! Mr. Guy Fawkes! Welcome! Perhaps you can cheer this miserable lot up! Fawkes: What? They're not moaning again, are they? (Turns to Narrator) You know something? I get this every year - it's a wonder they ever ignite! Narrator: That's what I was thinking! Fawkes: Anyone would think they had a hard life! Now, take me for example. Just look at what I have to put on? Just the oldest, shabbiest clothes nobody else would be seen dead in! Firework 6: And when you consider the number of people who come to see you .... Firework 7: Even if it is just to gawp at you burning up on top of that bonfire .... Firework 8: It just isn't right. Firework 9: He should be given a decent suit to wear! Fawkes: Too right! Why should I be dressed up like a scarecrow when I'm the main attraction? All Fireworks: (Together, angrily) Now wait a minute!
Easter Story Assembly

Easter Story Assembly

Easter Story Assembly Cast of around 30 Duration: Around 10 minutes reading time (this does not allow for changes of scene, music etc taking play to around 20 minutes) This Easter Story class play relates to all the major events: Jesus' jubilant entry into Jerusalem, Jesus' fury in Temple, Judas' act of betrayal, The Last Supper, Arrest in Garden of Gethsemane, Caiaphas' 'verdict', Roman Trial with Pontius Pilate leading to Crucifixion, Tomb scene and Peter's summing up at the end. The play begins and ends on a jubilant note - starting with 'Give me Joy in my Heart' and ending with 'Lord of the Dance'. SAMPLE TEXT: Scene 1 Jerusalem Music 1 (Child 1 and 2, Woman 1 and 2, plus lame child stand in a line, waving palm leaves over their heads, and singing chorus to the hymn, whilst eagerly awaiting arrival of Jesus. Standing to one side of them are two stern-looking priests, scowling in disapproval) (Enter Peter) Peter: (Addressing singers) Wow! What joyful music! Tell me. What are you celebrating? Child 1: Haven't you heard? Peter: Heard what? Child 1: Of the coming of the Son of God? Child 2: Of the King of the Jews? (Enter priest 1 and 2) Priest 1: Son of God, did you say? Priest 2: King of the Jews, did you say? Woman 1: Why, haven't you heard? It was prophesied He should enter Jerusalem, on a donkey. That's what we're all waiting for! Woman 2: (Holding hand of lame child) I'm hoping he can heal my little lad - that he can perform a miracle. Just as he has done for so many others! Woman 1: What a wonderful man! What power he has! (Priest 1 and 2 take themselves to one side, to continue their conversation between just the two of them) Priest 2: Who is this man who claims to be king and Son of God? Priest 1: And those ‘magic powers' of his? I don't like the sound of them, one little bit! Priest 2: What would our High Priest say? What would King Herod say? Priest 1: Guilty on two counts, me thinks! Priest 1: Blasphemy and treason! Priest 2: Let's hang around and see this king for ourselves! Child 1: Here he comes! Here he comes! Woman 1: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Woman 2: Blessed is the great prophet from Nazareth! (Enter Jesus. Walks along ‘crowd' of well-wishers, all waving palm leaves and singing. At the end of the ‘line', Jesus stands smiling, enjoying the singing)
Easter Egg Hunt Assembly – Key Stage II

Easter Egg Hunt Assembly – Key Stage II

Easter Egg Hunt Assembly – Key Stage II Cast Size - 10 or 30 (short and long version within one script - as explained in production notes) or any number in between. The main characters? Clumsy Chicken, Tactless Turkey, Grumpy Goose, Daft Duck, Feisty Pheasant, Greedy Guinea Fowl, Sad Swan, Envious Emu, 'Onourable Ostrich ... and an Easter Bunny called Funny Bunny! A star cast! And with over 20 jokes (not all of them fowl!) - join the crew and find out if Clumsy Chicken can be saved from her fate - as roast chicken! Duration: 10 - 20 minutes. (10 minutes reading time; addition of songs/music takes performance to around 20 minutes) Also available to buy separately: Key Stage I version of this script - Clumsy Chicken is joined by 29 feathery friends! The perfect excuse for a mask-making extravaganza! These two scripts could be combined to add length to either i.e. jokes from the Easter Egg Hunt (KS II) could be added to the Key Stage I script; and additional characters from the Key Stage I script added to the Key Stage II script. Sample Text Child 13: How do you make a rabbit stew? (Pauses) Make it wait for three hours! Funny Bunny: (Holding up hands) OK! Enough! Child 14: What do you call a rabbit with fleas? Bugs Bunny! Funny Bunny: (Angrily, and having a quick itch) OK! What didn't you understand about enough? Clumsy Chicken: (Jumping up and down, hysterically, on the spot) And I'm running out of time! Don't you see? If I can't give a basketful of eggs to the farmer, I'm .... I'm... Tactless Turkey: Roasted? I think that's the word you're looking for! (Clumsy Chicken clucks all the louder) Funny Bunny: Now! Now! Don't panic! Don't panic! I'm sure help is at hand (Enter Envious Emu and ‘Onourable Ostrich) Envious Emu: (Strutting angrily up and down) Do you know? That peacock bird has been getting right up my beak! All that (demonstrates) flouncing around with her peacocky feathers! It's enough to make you ill! ‘Onourable Ostrich: Now, now! You really should try to be less envious of others! Anyone would think your name was Funny Bunny: Envious Emu? Envious Emu: How did you guess? A bunny with brains! Fancy that! Grumpy Goose: Unlike this bird - with very little brain! Maybe it never made it to the top of that neck!
Guy Fawkes Assembly or Class Play

Guy Fawkes Assembly or Class Play

Guy Fawkes Assembly or Class Play The inclusion of a *mini play entitled The Trial of Guy Fawkes presents a ‘new take’ on history’s verdict – an interesting twist when the only witness is found guilty by the only member of the jury! i.e. Guy Fawkes walks free! This mini play has a cast of 6 and its inclusion is optional – the rest of the assembly focuses on the facts! Another ‘addition’ is at the end of the script where I have included a Fact File – which I thought would be useful (a) to add more facts to the assembly if necessary (perhaps if the mini play is not included) (b) as an introduction to the subject (c) as the basis for a quiz, to test the children’s knowledge. Hopefully, a pretty comprehensive package! *Guy Fawkes on Trial This is a short play with cast of 6. It could be used in the classroom or put on as a performance in front of the school, or used by a drama club. Sample text From Guy Fawkes Assembly: Duration: around 10 minutes Characters (Cast of 30) Narrator Children 1 -10 Guy Fawkes plus 13 Conspirators Cast for ‘play’ Judge (Guy Fawkes) Policeman (Witness) – see Production Notes Defense Prosecutor Member of the Jury Music: Handel’s Music for the Royal Fireworks (Children file in to this music) Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our Guy Fawkes Assembly. Child 1: The music you have just been listening to is Handel’s Music for the Royal Fireworks. First performed in 1749 for George II Child 2: But more recently played, in 2002, in celebration of our present queen’s Golden Jubilee (Child 3 nudges Child 2) Child 2: Oh! That’s Queen Elizabeth II, of course! At Buckingham Palace – plus fireworks! Child 3: The earliest fireworks were made in China, around 2,000 years ago – otherwise known as Chinese crackers! Child 4: The first ones to be used in England were at the wedding of King Henry VII in 1486. Child 5: Fireworks became more and more popular Child 6: And King James II was so impressed by those used at his own coronation in 1685 that he had the guy in charge knighted! Child 7: Did you say ‘guy’? Child 6: I may have done. Why? Child 7: Not the Guy? Child 6: What are you on about? Child 7: (Shaking his head in disbelief) Only the most famous Guy in our entire history! (Guy Fawkes steps forward) Guy Fawkes: (To Child 7) Thank you! That would be me! Guy Fawkes! (Whole cast applauds and cheers) Narrator: (Disapprovingly) Only the most infamous Guy in our entire history! Guy Fawkes: (Looking hurt) Ooh! That’s a bit harsh!
Halloween Assembly

Halloween Assembly

Halloween Assembly Class Play: The Vanishing Pumpkin Customer feedback received 12.10.14 AMAZING! Exactly what I needed. Well written, funny and great suggestions for music. I’m using this with a class of 31 and the suggestions for adaptations were spot on. The class love it and are super excited for our assembly on the 30th of October. Thank you Cast: 30 (See Production Notes for smaller cast size) Duration: 10 to 15 minutes. The play can be extended by the addition of jokes Music 1 Disney Haunted House Judge 1: Welcome! Judge 2: We are gathered here to behold the year’s spookiest show! Judge 3: Our very own ….. Whole cast: (Shouting together) Halloween Talent Competition! (Everyone cheers) Judge 1: Each year we have a different set of contestants – but all sharing one thing in common! They’re all All Contestants: (Yelling) Gruesome! Judge 2: That’s right! No prizes here for beauty – on the contrary… Judge 3: The more gruesome, the better! Judge 1: (Looking up and down the line of contestants) And I have to say, this year you have truly surpassed yourselves! Judge 2: (Nodding) Absolutely! Judge 3: What a grotesque lot! (Everyone cheers) Judge 1: But are you truly scary? Judge 2: That is what will win you this coveted prize! Judge 3: A pumpkin – filled with every imaginable horror! (Each judge walks over and holds up something from out of the pumpkin, before dropping it back in again; the showing of each ‘exhibit’ prompting cries of admiration from the cast) Judge 1: A venomous snake! Judge 2: A warty toad! Judge 3: A blood-covered axe! Judge 1: Ah yes! There is something for everyone! Judge 2: But who is to be our champion this year? Judge 3: Let’s meet the contestants! Music 2 Witch Queen of New Orleans - Redbone (Enter 3 witches) Witches: (Together) We are the three witches of Macbeth! (Three witches recite 2 lines from Shakespeare’s Macbeth, whilst bent over a caldron) Witches: Double, double, toil and trouble Fire burn, and cauldron bubble. Witch 1: Evil we look! Witch 2: Ugly we are! Witch 3: (All sweetly) Choose us, kind judges Witches: (Screaming together) Or we’ll have yaaaaaaaaah! (Witches race over to the judges, making menacing gestures) Judge 1: That’s enough! Judge 2: We will not be intimidated!
Halloween and Sleeping Beauty Assembly

Halloween and Sleeping Beauty Assembly

Halloween and Sleeping Beauty Assembly 'Wicked' is a Witch to be reckoned with ... so don't be fooled by her 'fairy' status! Cast Size: 15 - 30 Duration: Around 15 minutes not including music suggestions. I originally wrote this script for PSHE as the message behind it is 'always remember to say thank you'. I have adapted it to give it for Halloween. It can also be used at Christmas - a truly versatile script! Sample Text Wicked Fairy: So, what’s it to be? You doing a one-man show (Aside to audience) And let me tell you, he’s no Michael McKintyre! Or doing the sensible thing – and working with me? Narrator: OK! OK! You win. (Looking at watch) Now, could you do whatever you’re going to do rather quickly otherwise this audience is going to walk! Wicked Fairy: Very well! Here we go! (Wicked Fairy flicks her wand in the direction of the cast and they all wake up, rubbing their eyes and yawning) Narrator: Phew! Now we can get on with the show! So, whilst this lot wake themselves up a bit, I’ll tell you a little about today’s performance! It’s rather a nice story Wicked Fairy: (Yawning loudly) I’m bored already! Narrator: About a king and a queen Wicked Fairy: Boring! Narrator: And their longing for a child! Wicked Fairy: Poor misguided fools! Have they no idea how much trouble children can be? Narrator: (Angrily) Now look here, Miss …. Er um.. Wicked Fairy: You can call me ‘Wicked’! Narrator: Miss Wicked, then! I recognise what a fine job you did waking this lot up Wicked Fairy: And? Narrator: But I must insist you desist from hijacking this show! This is a nice story Wicked Fairy: So you said! And you know what? Nice really doesn’t do it for me! Narrator: (Impatiently) Well, that’s just too bad! For your information, wicked doesn’t do it for me! (Looking pleased with himself) Ha! Ha! Touche! Wicked Fairy: (To audience) See what I saved you from? And it’s not just his one liners that get worse! Narrator: (Looking at watch) Now, I really must ask you to leave – now! Wicked Fairy: Very well! But you will pay for your ill manners! Not so much as a thank you for my troubles? (To audience, stage whisper) Never fear, my revenge will be sweet! As Halloween approaches, a witch’s powers grow - getting greater and greater! (Pauses) Oh … hadn’t you guessed? This ‘Wicked Fairy’ thing is just a front – a disguise. I’m really a witch … and a very wicked one at that! See you around!
Anglo-Saxon School Assembly or Class Play

Anglo-Saxon School Assembly or Class Play

Anglo-Saxon School Assembly or Class Play Cast Size - 30 - easily adapted up or down. Approximate duration: Around 15 to 20 minutes. Ever wondered about the origins of your birth place? Why is it something-ton and not something-ham? Or why archaeologists get so excited over some old clay pots …or nails? Also available set of 5 guided reading play scripts plus quizzes - Introduction, Anglo-Saxon Life, Sutton Hoo Discovery, Beowulf, and Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table SAMPLE TEXT Arch 1: Look at this! Phosphate remains. That means there must have been a body here when the ship was buried…so this was actually a grave! Arch 2: And with all this treasure we’ve found, the person buried here must have been important! 4. GHOSTBUSTERS THEME MUSIC (Ghosthunters team rush on, searching for ghost) Narrator: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Who called you lot? Ghosthunter 1: Haven’t you heard? There’s a ghost on the loose! Goes by the name of Raewald, King of East Anglia. Died about 625 AD but forgot to take his Kwells (holds up packet of sea sickness tablets) before being buried with his ship. Ghosthunter 2: Yes, it’s all very fine having all this gold and silver …but not much good to you if you’re prone to a bit of the ol’ sea sickness. Ghosthunter 3: We’re here to give him his tablets so he can at last …Rest In Peace. Narrator: Could I suggest you’d stand a better chance of catching this sea-sick ghost if you were a little quieter (beckoning them all off stage). Wait here! TEACHING ‘COVERAGE’ Unit 6B Anglo-Saxon Assembly (i) Where Anglo-Saxons came from (ii) Timeline: 410 AD – 1066 (iii) Alfred the Great (iv) Runic’ alphabet (v) Origins of our days of the week (vi) Place names – Anglo Saxon origins (vii) Living conditions (viii) Sutton Hoo: archaeological finds and background
The Easter Egg Hunt Assembly for Key Stage 1

The Easter Egg Hunt Assembly for Key Stage 1

The Easter Egg Hunt Assembly for Key Stage 1 This is a class play/assembly lasting about 10 minutes, based on the same nine birds as used in the Key Stage II version but with a further 21 feathery friends to make up the numbers - to 30. Sample Text Rude Robin: (Huffily) And mine! Mind you don't drop it! Posh Pigeon: I'm sure you'll be delighted with this one! Polite Peacock: Please accept this. No need to thank me! Boastful Buzzard: Here's the best of the lot! Happy Hawk: Happy to be of service! Crazy Cuckoo: You'd have to be cuckoo not to take mine! Weepy Woodpecker: (Weeping) Oh woe! When will I see you again, little egg? Kind Kingfisher: There, there! (To Weepy Woodpecker) Here's another handkerchief for you! (To Clumsy Chicken) And an egg for you! Serious Stork: (Very seriously) Take great care! This is serious business! Pretty Polly Parrot: Pretty Polly! Pretty Polly! Here's a pretty egg for you! Flamboyant Flamingo: Here we are! My very best! Gracious Grouse: Please accept this! Cranky Crow: (Crankily) Take this! Can I go now? Bored Blackbird: (Yawning) Yeah! How much more? Thoughtful Thrush: Now, now! A little patience! I think you'll find we're nearly done! Dim Dove: Where did you want it? Loud Lark: (Shouting) Right there! In that basket! Here, watch me! (Demonstrating) Easy, huh? Outspoken Owl: About time! This is the last time I'm standing at the end of the line! Hoarse Humming bird: (Humming) Here you are! Miserable Magpie: (Whining) Last but not least! What a wait!